AT Wine-Week

13/10–20/10/2024 | 20/10–27/10/2024
7 nights
¾ gourmet board
Price on request

The secret of wine...
The incomparable beauty of the South Tyrolean wine region -
a harmonious blend of Alpine landscape and wine-growing culture.
Accompany our sommeliers Gerold and Max on a fascinating journey through the world of wine:
Listen to how each vintage tells its own story and become inspired during exclusive tastings
and guided tours of a vineyard and a South Tyrolean winery.

  • Opening and presentation of the wine week on Sunday evening with wine expert Gerold, wine experts Max and Hannes in the AT “Wine Bunker”

  • From the vine to the bottle: Visit to a South Tyrolean winery with guided tour with subsequent tasting

  • Aperitif reception in the hotel lobby, with exquisite finger food and high-quality South Tyrolean sparkling wine

  • Excursion and visit of a private winery in the Eisack Valley, with tasting of the estate’s own wines

  • On the move along the AT Wine Mile: 4 passionate winegrowers from South Tyrol present their finest wines in our hotel lobby

  • Guided autumn hike “culture and wine”

  • Tasting menu with accompanying wines: our wine experts Gerold and Max will inspire you with wines from well-known top producers to go with every course

  • Enjoyable conclusion of the 7th AT wine week with a horizontal Red Wine tasting “Vintage 2016” in the AT wine bunker

Price on request